Who We Are

About Dartmouth College Hillel

Dartmouth Hillel seeks to promote a welcoming community to all those who identify with or are interested in Judaism. Hillel is dedicated to providing resources to help students express and explore Judaism on campus; it strives to engage students of all observance levels through religious, cultural, social, and educational programming.

Hillel’s weekly events include General Meetings on Mondays, Jews and Java on Wednesdays, Jew Croo on Thursdays, Friday Night Shabbat Services and Dinner, and Bagel Brunch on selected Sundays.

History of Dartmouth Hillel

Since opening in November 1997, the Roth Center has provided a home and a sense of family for Dartmouth students and Upper Valley Jewish Community. For students, the Roth Center is open 24 hours (very important during finals!), providing students a quiet, relaxing place to study. Many students also teach children at the UVJC Religious School. Hillel and the UVJC have collaborated successfully on religious and academic programs to the benefit of both communities and continue to build a relationship through various events.